The results are in and it looks like only 23% of you have got plans to see Avatar. Leaving the remaining 77% watching Have You Heard About The Morgans or something equally bad!
Either way..... enjoy your weekend! We'll see you back here Monday Morning!!
The Decade in 7 Minutes
We're just about done with 2009 and ready to ring in 2010. Newsweek has put together a wonderful compilation of the decade!
Jeff and Josh Poll
71% of you only miss breakfast SOMETIMES... the remaining 28% are split as to whether you HAVE TO HAVE IT or NEVER HAVE IT! Jeff says every meal is the most important meal to him. Nothing like a bowl of meat, eh' Jeff?!
On to today's question...

There's a new movie premiering at midnight tonight! It's James Cameron's Avatar! It's supposed to change the way movies are made forever... do you buy it? Are you going to see Avatar?
Let us know now>> HERE
On to today's question...

There's a new movie premiering at midnight tonight! It's James Cameron's Avatar! It's supposed to change the way movies are made forever... do you buy it? Are you going to see Avatar?
Let us know now>> HERE
The Melt
There's a place in Ohio that I must visit. It's the Melt Bar and Grilled!
Along with some AMAZING looking sammys... they've got a promotion that they're upholding indefinitely that will give you 25% off for life if you get a tattoo of a grilled cheese sammich!
Along with some AMAZING looking sammys... they've got a promotion that they're upholding indefinitely that will give you 25% off for life if you get a tattoo of a grilled cheese sammich!
Ironman 2 Trailer FINALLY released! And something about a girl and a rabbit...

The movie doesn't come out until May 7th, 2010... but HOLY CRAP is it going to be amazing!
Check out the trailer now>> HERE

Also released recently is the trailer for Tim Burton's take on Alice in Wonderland!
I'm super excited for this one too, as I'm a big Tim Burton fan!
I might actually buy and read a book! WHAT?!
Can it be??? Am I really interested in reading an actual book??? Holy crap!

This is for real and I want to read it... for real! ALSO, it's being made into a movie! Nothing set in stone as of right now, other than David O. Russell (Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees) is the director and Natalie Portman is going to star!
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a novel by Seth Grahame-Smith. It is a mashup combining Jane Austen's classic 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice with elements of modern zombie fiction. Austen is credited as co-author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

This is for real and I want to read it... for real! ALSO, it's being made into a movie! Nothing set in stone as of right now, other than David O. Russell (Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees) is the director and Natalie Portman is going to star!
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a novel by Seth Grahame-Smith. It is a mashup combining Jane Austen's classic 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice with elements of modern zombie fiction. Austen is credited as co-author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Jeff and Josh Poll
So 92% of you say "Merry Christmas" and 8% of you say "Happy Holidays". We say Merry Holidays to you!

You ever skip breakfast? That's what we want to know today. It's been dubbed the most important meal of the day... what say you?
Let us know now>> HERE

You ever skip breakfast? That's what we want to know today. It's been dubbed the most important meal of the day... what say you?
Let us know now>> HERE
People have dumb ideas... and for some reason, even dumber people buy their dumb ideas. Proof of this is most accurately displayed with the backward robe, AKA The Snuggie. And just when we were fed up with these dumb ideas... they sneak up behind us a deliver an even dumber-er idea!
Ladies and gentlemen... The "Necky"
Get your stupid Necky>> HERE
Ladies and gentlemen... The "Necky"
Get your stupid Necky>> HERE
Jeff and Josh Poll
You're all a bunch of fakers! Well, at least when it comes to your Christmas trees. 89% said you have an artificial tree where as 11% go all natural with the real deal!

Today's poll is asking whether you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?
Let us know now>> HERE

Today's poll is asking whether you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?
Let us know now>> HERE
Jeff and Josh Poll
Yesterday's poll asked if you would rather have needles for leg hair or have flares shoot out of your nose every time you said the word "the".
The results were completely split 50/50. So congrats on telling us nothing!
Today's question should prove to have some very interesting results...

We want to know if you would ever pick up a hitchhiker. You can let us know now>> HERE
The results were completely split 50/50. So congrats on telling us nothing!
Today's question should prove to have some very interesting results...

We want to know if you would ever pick up a hitchhiker. You can let us know now>> HERE
Jeff and Josh Poll
92% of you said that you would rather hit every red light, rather than always be wrong.

Here's today's VERY important question!
Would you rather... have needles for leg hair OR have flares shoot out of your nose every time you say the word "the".
Let us know now>> HERE

Here's today's VERY important question!
Would you rather... have needles for leg hair OR have flares shoot out of your nose every time you say the word "the".
Let us know now>> HERE
Jeff and Josh Poll
100% of you said that you don't care about the Tiger Woods story... so we'll continue to NOT talk about it!

More importantly... we'll need to know for scientific reasons... if you would rather hit every red light for the rest of your life or always be wrong?
You can go ahead and let us know>> HERE

More importantly... we'll need to know for scientific reasons... if you would rather hit every red light for the rest of your life or always be wrong?
You can go ahead and let us know>> HERE
Jeff and Josh Poll
The results of the mighty sandwich poll turned out like this:
58% said cut it in triangles!
25% said cut it in rectangles!
17% said leave my sandwich alone!!!
So here's the big weekend poll for you!!!

We don't really care about the whole Tiger Woods thing and we think it's silly that so many people do... so, as to not sway your vote... just let us know what you think!
Take the poll now>> HERE
58% said cut it in triangles!
25% said cut it in rectangles!
17% said leave my sandwich alone!!!
So here's the big weekend poll for you!!!

We don't really care about the whole Tiger Woods thing and we think it's silly that so many people do... so, as to not sway your vote... just let us know what you think!
Take the poll now>> HERE
Secret Santa Day 2
We're just about done with Day 1, but there's still tomorrow to go!!!
See you tomorrow morning!!!
See you tomorrow morning!!!
Jeff and Josh Poll
It looks like 70% of you would rather wear cactus pants than wear a hat with a live snake in it. That's cool!
Now, onto more important things... like the all mighty sammich!

We want to know which is better? Cutting your sandwich into rectangles, triangles or not cutting it at all.
Let us know now>> HERE
Now, onto more important things... like the all mighty sammich!

We want to know which is better? Cutting your sandwich into rectangles, triangles or not cutting it at all.
Let us know now>> HERE
Free Toby Keith CDs

Tomorrow morning from 6am to 9am, we're giving away FREE copies of the latest CD from Toby Keith!
All you have to do to win... is be caller #6 whenever you hear a Toby Keith song from 6am to 9am!
It's happening tomorrow ONLY, so don't miss out!
Jeff and Josh Poll
Only 25% of you think that saying "No Problem" rather than "You're Welcome" is rude. The other 75% have no problem with "No Problem".
So today's poll is pretty unique. It comes from the mind of Jeff's son Ty.

Would you rather wear a hat that has a live snake in it... or a pair of pants made out of cactus?
Let us know what you think>> HERE
So today's poll is pretty unique. It comes from the mind of Jeff's son Ty.

Would you rather wear a hat that has a live snake in it... or a pair of pants made out of cactus?
Let us know what you think>> HERE
Matthew McConaughey
This one's an older clip, but it came up on the show today, so why not share.
For the list of movie covers with Matthew unable to support himself by himself>> GO HERE
For the list of movie covers with Matthew unable to support himself by himself>> GO HERE
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